Okay then now let's continue to the next topic which will be the opposite of what we discussed earlier!
What word do you think, does not at all related to creative?
Let me take a guess again!!!!!
is it........
Is it correct????
What no? You have different words than these?
Oh well, doesn't matter, almost similar for sure eh? So now I'm going to describe about these words to you!
First of all, DULL.
Why does DULL doesn't give us the feeling of creativeness?
It's all because something that is dull, is not attractive, and also can be consider as something old. Take an old cloth as example. If you just bought a cloth, of course the colour would be striking! and rich! I should say. But what happen to it years later? What happen to it after it being washed so many times? The colour would go off of course! and yes! become DULL! back to our main word! and what does the dullness of the colour tell us? It's OLD! it's not attractive and makes us feel like we don't want to use it any more! if something that is creative, it would be something NEW. some NEW idea. Something that we would want to use!
Now you clearly see the difference right?????
okay move on~ enough of 'dull' or else it will make my brain go DULL!
Second word, Common
What does common means? it's an opposite word for RARE. Common things are normal things. An extremely normal thing that you can find just EVERYWHERE! To make you understand what I really mean, let me give you a situation. Lets say I wanted to be mean and add chilli into your soup! and I wanted to take your attention away so I said " hey look there! a pegasus flying! "
seriously would you believe that? that is soooooooooooooooooo common isn't it? "hey look there something's there~ " people around the WORLD use it. People seldom believe it anymore now. If it's 50 years ago, then maybe yea people would believe since it's rare for them for someone to say this. But now everywhere you go, if someone wants to pull on a trick to other they would always use it.
Omg these insect is so common that you just kill it without a second thought :O
lol (sorry ants)
What boring? yea boringgggg is the word! oh what? oh you are actually saying this is boring huh? okay then nevermind.............. you can stop reading now * sob sob * no, please don't goooooo, continue reading come on!!!!!! I'll explain to you about the word boring and you shall not be bored anymore! :D
so yea, I'll start now before you fell asleep! Boring is obviously not related to creative because when a thing is boring you don't feel like using it or playing with it or doing it or whatever with it. So it is obviously not creative because the creator of that boring thing is not creative enough to make it fun for you! So that's why BORING will never be related to creative! For an example!
Talking about my experience, when I was watching a comedy show, the jokes are always boring and not funny at all. Why? because they have no idea of how to make a funny and enjoyable jokes! they have run out of their creativity to make one! hence, all the jokes are lame and boring. It's not even worth to waste your time watching it. And what did they do to make you feel like as if it's funny? put a laughter voices! but all comedy does that, so what do you feel when you watch it. That's right. BORRRRINNNGGGGG~~~~~~~~
this are what you see when you heard a boring joke!
So feel refresh a bit now?
Move on again to the second last one!
Aren't same thing makes you feel like " oh........that again " or " hm....... " or " another one huh... "
or sometimes, it even makes you don't feel anything! Sometimes you would just look at it and turn away! Try to imagine if you go out and see people wearing t-shirt with this at the middle

you would just look at it, and maybe read the last word and turn away the other second! because it's basically the same thing! Only the word change! It's the same design. People around the world use this design now, don't they have any other idea on a shirt design? yea it was popular few years ago, but now? nahhhh, not as popular anymore, because everyone use it. And it feels as if everyone actually wear the same shirt! and it's like, there's nothing exciting to see anymore since it's all just like that isn't it? The person who created this design is creative, but the other people who keep using the same design for many things over and over again eventhough many people are using it too are obviously not creative!
Last one! after reading this you may go watch some video in youtube yeah right?
During every era there's always a new trend. But the new trend would last long before the other trend comes up. And during those period of time, people would keep using that trend, until some random creative minded person created the new trend. Why cant people keep creating new things?
So that TREND wouldn't exist! it would be great if everyone have their own thing. Following trend is actually copying people's idea! and many people does that, so this trend thing, would actually stay " WOAH " for just a short period of time. After that, people would get so used to it and not feel hyped up about it anymore. That's why trend, is not a creative thing! Take an iphone and an android as an example. Nowadays almost everyone use it. It's the trend now that people use these phone! Wherever you go, At least 7 out of 10 of them use this phone. Last time, when you see people using iphone or an android, you would go " woah woah!!!! let me see let me see~~~~~~~ can I play with it? can I try using it? blah blah blah blah? " rightttttt? but now, if you see someone change their phone to one of these phone, all you would go is " oh, you changed your phone.... "
so yea, get what I mean????