Okay sorry I have no idea how to start so I cough. tee-hee.
We are supposed to do some research on people and the time to make us understand more about creativity. Now, I will not focused only on certain civilization or era, but I would make a general research about it. The common things that are affecting us or things that are relevant to being creative.
Guess I will start with the first question of week 4 blogpost ( now is week 13 tee-hee )
What kind of TRAITs make people creative?
according to my observation as well as some little research that I have done, I realized that some of the famous and amazing piece were actually a copy. Of course not everyone does this, but I can say around 50% of some creative piece was actually a copy. In other words, these people develop the trait to copy someone's original idea and improve or "sharpen" it. I wouldn't say that they are copy cat, because it is in fact, they obviously aren't. I would prefer it more to call this trait as "observant". We human love to observe things, and everyone obviously aren't gifted with the ability to gain idea easily. A lot of people take a lot of times to look for an idea, and what's more, the idea might come in an unexpected moment. So usually, when they're trying to find some idea, which I would also call, looking for a way to be 'creative', they would search for things on internet, observing other people's work, or they would observe the things around them. Even during the ancient time they've done this, it doesn't imply to the people during this era only. For example, in Rome, most of the famous Rome arts are actually a copy of Greek's art. The sculpture that the Romans did were originally based on Greek's art. They just re-made them and improve them, which then makes it more renowned. Other than that, if you want more example, I'll tell you the more obvious one. Steve Job. When iPad was made, it 'WOW' the whole world. People are amazed. Absolutely amazed. However, who's idea was it first to make a tablet? yup that's right, Microsoft. Steve Job observe the thing that Microsoft invented, even though it was not renowned and not many really look at it, and then, he re-made them. IMPROVE them, and thus, it has become, a NEW thing. Shiny!

Bill Gate' first tablet
Steve Job's iPad
Not only that, those people who originally made the something without copying other's idea, also actually based on other, in someway or another. They are all based on what they see, what they observe, for example, the creation of the mother nature or the surrounding area, and then convert them into something. So basically, it is undeniable, that all people have this trait. Come on, don't lie, think back, about all the works that you've done, all the art piece you made, it was all based on your observation of other people's work or the thing surround you. You can never hide from it. Even I would admit. These has happen long since the ancient times.
Next, what kind of environment made people creative?
As for what I have researched, all kind of environment could affect us. And in fact, the environment that we live on during our childhood is would affect us the most. When I talk about the environment, I don't specifically meant the place surrounding us, but also, our lifestyle. People tend to get affected more when they were exposed to something for a long time, especially all the time during their childhood since children are easily affected, in a good way. Why I say in a good way is because, many of our famous people are all actually being exposed to such thing during their childhood. For example, Steve Job were raised in a place where there were many engineers, and thus, it has affect him into having those 'engineer brains' . As for the ancient Romans, they all lived during the times of Greek, when Greek are widely spread, and that too has affect them. Most of the Romans art are based on the Greek's style. Another good example are the Japanese people. Japan are one of the most creative inventor. They have invent some little simple thing but brilliantly. These are because Japan has been independent since the ancient time. During war when they don't have much allies, they practically done everything on their own without relying on other country to survive. They invent things, create a new way of solving things in order to survive. This has happen for a long time in Japan, they have been thinking creatively, and that has affect their generation as they were grew up in an environment when people could thing differently. Even in the way people has never thought of, or would even think ridiculous, because they have been raised to feel it's fine to think like that. Their limit of thinking is more than others. Last but not least, even our great musician also have the same situation. Ludwig van Beethoven. He was being exposed to music since he was born as his father himself was a musician. His childhood are surrounded by music, and music, has 'dissolved' in him and he has taken interest in it. And now, as we all know, he is a truly great musician indeed.
Lastly, the process of creativity.
For this, I would like to point out again about the childhood and traits. I think the process about getting someone to be creative actually start right away the moment you were born. I did not say it was too late to learn to be creative once you are an adult, because I like the saying, it's never too late! But the perfect process is that, you should be exposed into thinking creatively when you are young. Since when you are young, your mind are fresh, free from being influenced by people. As you grow up, no matter how you might try to avoid it, you will always get 'poison' by other people. Hearing people's experience, people saying, observing the world, would poison you, in both good way and bad way actually, but mostly bad, because it limit your creativeness. As a child, you would never thing of anything to be ridiculous. Have a flashback, when you're a little kid, thinking of creating a door that could teleport won't be ridiculous at all, but what about now? ridiculous isn't it? Such thing wont happen! everyone will grew to think that. But seriously, frankly speaking, I am not surprise if someday it would be invented. For example, the times before telephone was invented, surely, the people back then would think that it is impossible for you to talk to someone that are so far away without giving a solid thing to them (letter, etc). Such thing as telephone would be a magic. But it was invented anyway, by Alexander Graham Bell, as we all know.

" I invent phone, problem? "
His family are all have a connection in hearing and speaking, in someway or another. His father, grandfather and brother work on elocution and speech, and his wife and mother are deaf. Because he was surround by this kind of situation all his life, it has affected him. He has done research on hearing and speaking which then lead him into creating such device. See, the process is simple. You just have to be exposed, but be exposed in a right way, not the way that could poison and limit your 'access'. So parents, raised your children in a proper way. Don't let them down or discourage them.