Thursday, 24 January 2013


Jux Jux Juxta Juxta po po posiiiii tioooooooooooooooonnnnnnnn~~~~~~~~

Man, I never knew such word exist, but now, when I knew, I like that word. Nice to meet you, Juxtaposition.

During class in around week 7, Monday morning, gifted with fresh air, we were sitting in a theatre room called the E-theatre. We were given a piece of paper, A2size..... or was it A3.... I can't remember.........
Oh well, back to the story, we were ask to pick a number between 0 to 99, three sets of numbers, and then, Mr. Radzi gives us this :-

1- Flower 
2- Lightning
3- Ice
4- Light
5- Fire
6- Duck
7- Dog
8- Oil
9- Leave

0- Head
9- Rain
8- Wood
7- Tree
6- Spider
5- Root
4- Mountain
3- Wind
2- Rock
1- Water

and then, we have to make a word according to the word and the pair of numbers that we chose.
I chose 92, 29, and 47.

-so for the first one is, Leave Rock

The autumn leaves has fall and covered the rock.

-Lightning Rain

The lightning strikes brightly and a heavy rain came soon after

-Light Tree

The colorful light was wrapped around the tree during festivals.

Done with that, now we have to draw it out!

leaves rock

lightning raining

light tree 

Lastly, draw out the things, not following the sentence that we made, but people would somehow say those three words we got


am I good? :D

maybe not huh.... but that was what I draw that time :D

Next! I seriously thought we're done but no.....

We have to create a passage about love, man or woman, happiness,and pain.

So here the first one!


Love is like a wall, they cover you up and make you unable to see what's in front, being blinded, and separates you from the social life with other people. (except your partner of course)

Man and Women

They are human, with opposites desire, which then makes them perfect when they combined. One loves to do, and one loves to be getting it, if you know what I mean.


Happiness is just like studying, you don't need to study hard, just study smart. Be smart in making choices, and you shall get the happiness that you desire.


Pain is training. It's like in the army. The more pain you get, the more you will learn to be strong and not feel the pain.

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