Saturday, 5 January 2013

Sir Ken Robinson on TEDtalks

Again, I am terribly late for this post, it was supposed to be posted like..... last year?
heh, true, by last year of course I mean somewhere in 2012, right now is already 2013 whether you believe it or not.

So, somewhere last year, we were asked to watch a video on Sir Ken Robinson's talk and we were assigned to post what strike us the most about his talk. The talk was entitled "Do School Kill Creativity?"

If you ask me, personally, I could not point out any part that I think is the greatest in his speech. Why? because the whole speech itself are truly great. Whenever I try to think that " oh this part was good" but then as his speech goes, there are many other part that are as great as the one I think was great. Sir Ken Robinson is truly brilliant, and he does know what he is talking about. That is all what I can say. But maybe that is because I am not the type who listen to speeches that's why I don't have much comment about it. However, what I actually do want to say about his speeches  are, the way he give the speech. He doesn't just simply state his point, but he put it some humour in it, which make it enjoyable to listen. I watch the whole video even though I really dislike hearing speech, but truthfully, I find it quite enjoyable. He doesn't put any stupid or lame jokes, but he change the way he giving out the speech. He plays with the word and I think that, this is the real creativity. 

Well, whatever I say, it is but a lie when I say there's no part that I like the most. Of course there is! some several words that I truly agree with.

The first one is when he say

"Now, I don’t mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. What we do know is, if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. If you’re not prepared to be wrong. And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong."

It is quite true, no, not quite, it is ultimately true. Some people may have some ideas in their mind. Perhaps some wild crazy but brilliant ideas! but they never say it out. Why? because they are afraid of people may object it. Or people might say something bad about it or strongly say it will never work. And that person himself, are afraid of creating a failure. This is what stops them! If only there are people around them who could support them and make them believe that they would succeed, then it's good. Perhaps this world could change a lot more to better than it is now.However, if there's no one to support them, then they themselves must support themselves. Like Thomas Edison. He fails 10,000 times, but he never give up. He still stick to his idea and keep trying until it works. And thanks to that, our world are now bright with wonderful lights.

The second part that I like in the speech was the part where he say 

"Picasso once said this, he said that all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately, that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather we get educated out of it. So why is this?"

So why is that? why are we being educate out of it? it is because sometimes we got scold for being creative whether you believe it or not. Take an example, I bet everyone have scribbles on their school's exercise book before, and then what do we get? scolding, yes, or we would even get punished for doing that. That is why, we are scared, of doing it, scared of putting our ideas and scribble it out. As we all know, ideas just don't come when you want it, ideas would come, OUT OF NOWHERE, it has happen to you hasn't it? for sure, idea don't just come to you when you call it, it will come when it wants to. Maybe in the toilet, maybe when you are eating, or when you are about to sleep, or even when teacher is busy teaching in front. Kids are especially rich with imagination and thus, they actually have a lot of ideas, and because they did not know what to do, the draw it out, doodle it, scribble it on what they could, and get scolding from it. And after that, they were taught not to do it anymore, and thus, they grow out of being creative, and just burn any idea that comes.

p/s: If you really want to hear the speech, let me save you from trouble and provide the link :) simply click here~!
and yea, not to forget, thanks to one of my classmate named Luqman for providing the link to Sir Ken Robinson speech transcript on his blog. ( I hardly understand his speech at first because of his wonderful accent)

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